This post is part of a series of personal memories involving dollhouses. This story is written by a psychology student from Pakistan about her KidKraft Chelsea Wooden Doll Cottage with 16 Accessories, Working Shutters, for 5-Inch Dolls, Gift for ages 3+ Multi, 21.5"L x 13"W x 28"H“>KidKraft dollhouse for me as a gift. I was on cloud nine when I received it! While the house came fully furnished and decorated, I still added my own handmade furniture to it. I know what you’re thinking, but it didn’t look too shabby. In fact, it looked quite cozy. I convinced my parents to buy a couple of dolls we could afford as my birthday present. I named them Kevin and Fiona and, with everything ready, I started on my own magical journeys.
The first order of business was to get some chemistry going between my dolls. A house can’t be a home without a family; I was going to convert my dollhouse to a dollhome. The most prestigious career I knew of was a banker; so naturally, Kevin became a banker. Fiona was an dollhouse decorator. I didn’t have the faintest clue Kevin’s actual job was, but that doesn’t matter. He was a banker!
Kevin moved into his brand new house, and the first thing he needed was a dollhouse decorator. His house had a lot of makeshift furniture that didn’t go together with the existing one KidKraft had provided with the house. 9-year-old me was no Nicholas Sparks, so you can already see where this is going. Fiona was called in to solve the furniture crisis. Wouldn’t you guess it, Kevin fell madly in love the moment he saw her. I won’t bore you with the details of how Kevin wooed her (mainly because I don’t remember most of them myself); but 10 whopping minutes later, Fiona had moved in.

Fiona and Kevin went through a lot together over the next week. They went on a bunch of dates. Fiona kept redecorating her new home to her heart’s desire. She even used her magic to replace some cardboard furniture with more suitable counterparts. Kevin couldn’t believe Fiona hadn’t told him in advance about her magical powers. They had a tiny fight over it, but they shortly made up and Kevin fell for her even harder. A few days later, he proposed. Fiona was the happiest doll in the world when she accepted. I won’t go into too much detail on their story, but they (and I) created a lot of merry memories together.
Today, I’m a woman in her 30s with two kids of my own. I added a lot of new dolls and other toys to my dollhouse. The memories I created with them are some of the fondest I have of my childhood. Which is why the first gift I got for my nieces was a dollhouse, hoping they’d do the same. I can’t wait until my daughter is older so I can get her a KidKraft dollhouse of her own and watch her make fond memories of her own with it.
Luna Jabeen is a freelance content writer who’s studying to become a future psychologist. In her free time, she takes care of her kids, cats, and writes things she’s passionate about.