The miniatures club of Columbus Ohio decided that their yearly group project was to be a castle. Each club member would receive a roombox to decorate as an individual castle room. When they were all stacked together lego style, it would form a castle. Since I just only just joined the group and I knew I didn’t have many miniatures that would work for a castle theme, I offered to create wall, floor, door, and window castle stencils. This way we could all use so the rooms would look like they were all part of the same castle.

At the next monthly meeting, I came back to the club with a printed copy of the castle stencils for everyone, and an instructions sheet on how to use the stencils. Everyone had lots of questions but it was a fun little demonstration. They took their papers home and quite a number of months later at the Columbus Miniatures show, I got to see how they all turned out.

King Arthur’s round table inspired this room. I love the map of Germany, and the woodwork on the chairs is excellent.

Tons of tiny books fill this library roombox. I love all the little statuettes on the top shelf!

This is a simple bedroom, possibly for a favored servant or some far flung member of the family.

I love the different looks that can be achieved by changing the grout and stone colors. This last example shows that maybe a bit more contrast is ideal.
Aren’t these great? If you are interested in doing your own castle room box, I made the stencil available as a download on my Etsy shop. It is complete with instructions on how to use them. I have both 1:12 scale and 1:24 scale available. If you want Barbie size, use the 1:12 ones and double the size. If you need quarter scale stencils, reduce the 1:24 ones by half. Enjoy!