I asked veteran miniaturists about some common dollhouse mistakes new miniaturists make. From there, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 dollhouse mistakes. As an added bonus, I’ve included methods of how to fix each mistake if you’ve already fallen victim to these perils.
Dollhouse Mistake #1: Starting with a Dollhouse
This was one of the most unanimous responses I received for newbie dollhouse mistakes. Everyone advised that starting with a smaller roombox instead of a dollhouse was a much better first project. The smaller size is not as overwhelming and it’s easier to try new things with. When you mess up it’s easier to either fix, start over, or come to terms with entirely scrapping it. Sad, but it does happen far too often. And be honest, messing up is a pretty common occurrence when trying something new.
A little roombox also lets you explore what time periods, styles, and scenes you’d like to model. It’s quite common to discover that you’d rather portray a small flower shop or 1920’s train station than a house. Starting smaller gives you this chance to figure things out before you invest in something bigger.
If you’ve already started on a dollhouse, take a step back and think about what you want. Do you enjoy seeing the house as a whole unit, or do you prefer the tiny scenes each room portrays? Are you sure you even want a residential house? Many miniaturists enjoy having little shops or fairy gardens. Flip though some dollhouse magazines or scour Pinterest and find out what speaks to you. Try modeling just that smaller scene first. Even if you find yourself back at a dollhouse after doing just one room, you can always repurpose that roombox. You can permanently install it into your dollhouse, so nothing will be lost by starting smaller. I myself have fallen prey to this mistake. I have a number of dollhouses that I’ve started and had to set aside till I gained more skills.
Dollhouse Mistake #2: Starting with a BIG Dollhouse
If I can’t dissuade you from starting with a dollhouse, at least pick a small one to start with. (I don’t blame you if you don’t, I did the same thing). You can always get another better bigger one. Your second dollhouse will be better than your first because you’ll learn new techniques as you go. If you think you’ll only have one dollhouse, so it better be the best, well. I have it on good authority that this hobby is addicting. Your first dollhouse will only be your last if this hobby isn’t for you. If that is the case, do you really want to make the mistake of buying a huge and expensive house?
If you’ve already committed to a large dollhouse, all is not lost. You can either set it aside and work on smaller projects until you’ve gained enough skills and confidence to tackle the big dollhouse, or you can continue with the large house and take it slow. Do not let yourself get overwhelmed. Take it one small piece at a time, and ask for help when you need it. Try to avoid some of the other dollhouse mistakes though.
Dollhouse Mistake #3: Because it’s Miniature, it Won’t Take up Much Space, Right?
Oh boy, if this is what you are thinking, have we got some news for you! Dollhouses are LARGE! Modeling an entire house (or houses as your collection grows) will take up a lot of space. Most miniaturists devote an entire bedroom or ‘hobby room’ to the craft. If you choose to do one of the smaller scales; 1:24 or 1:48, those houses take up less space, but you might find you end up with more of them.
This mistake in thinking isn’t terribly hard to recover from. You might want to start clearing out a designated space for your hobby. If you don’t, it will end up living on the dining room table for years. Then what will you do for Thanksgiving Dinner? Claim that spare room now before Bobby and Johnny each want their own bedroom!
Dollhouse Mistake #4: Minis Can’t Cost as Much as the Real Thing, Right?
Sorry, again, no. You have two choices here. You can spend money on the cheaper stuff now and then replace it as you acquire better things. Or you can wait, save, and buy special pieces that speak to you as you come across them. Most veteran miniaturists say the mistake is to buy cheap junk early just to have stuff. Instead, save your money for the good stuff, it is worth the wait. Artisan craftwork is expensive. Many pieces, especially the furniture, can run close to the same price as their full sized counterparts.
One CAMPer related a story about how she sold a mini rug to a lady on eBay. The lady messaged her back saying that ‘the sample was lovely, and when can she expect the full sized version?’ The mini rug was so exquisite that it commanded a price similar to a full sized one, hence the buyer’s confusion. Another CAMPer recalls his initial sticker shock when inquiring after a desk at one of his first dollhouse shows. The asking price was $2600.
While this information is quite paling, don’t be dissuaded. There are minis for all budgets, and excellent tutorials on how to make just about everything. If you are short on cash but have the craft skills, you’ll be fine. If you aren’t the craftiest or flush with cash all it takes is a sharp eye and keep up with the miniaturist community. There are shows happening all over the US (and plenty in Europe, too). Etsy and eBay are are also full of vendors of all things mini. Be frugal with your money and avoid other dollhouse mistakes as they can be costly!
Dollhouse Mistakes #5: Trying to Do it All with Your First Dollhouse
When you are first starting out, chances are, you probably don’t know what you are doing. That either leads to over-researching or throwing caution to the wind and doing whatever. Of these two options, the worse of the two dollhouse mistakes is over-researching. Doing this means you’ll discover so much more to do with a dollhouse that you had no idea you ‘have to’ do. You’ll never get around to actually doing anything.
This is one of the dollhouse mistakes that I often fall prey to myself. I like to be prepared and know everything about what I’m doing before get started. However, with your first dollhouse, you really do not have to do everything. You don’t have to electrify your house. You don’t have to hand-make a spiral staircase, or individually shingle the roof, or even wallpaper. Start with just the parts that excite you and that you want to try.
If you are already stuck in the over-research rut, set the books down! Make a list of everything you think you need to do to your dollhouse. Then take that list and cross off at least 1/4 of the items. Maybe you can do them later, or maybe you don’t really care about landscaping at all. Cross some things off your list, and don’t look back. Once those are gone, circle another 1/4 of the items as things you do want to get done. With those items circled, look over what is left and see if any of them can be eliminated. Now you should have a doable list. From your new list, pick an easy item, or one that has to be done first, or your favorite. Get going!
Dollhouse Mistakes #6: Using Hot Glue
Step away from the hot glue gun. It’s just not a good idea. Really. Many old dollhouse instruction sheets say to use hot glue to put together your dollhouse shell. This used to be solid advice. Unfortunately, hot glue used to be a lot stronger and harder and didn’t remelt as easily. The glue formula has changed, so now we can’t recommend using it for this task. Many dollhouse manufacturers have not updated their instruction sheets to reflect this change, so don’t fall prey to this mistake! Many, many dollhouses have fallen apart, or popped apart because they were initially held together with hot glue.
When putting together a dollhouse shell, it’s best to use a wood glue. If you have painted the pieces already use a white craft glue. The only time when hot glue is advisable is to use it as a temporary stabilizer while the ‘real’ glue is drying. If you’ve already glued your dollhouse together using hot glue, no worries, it will pop apart super easy! Then you can redo it with real glue. If you’ve gone so far with decorating that you can’t pop the house apart now, you might try to see if you can slide some clear-drying white glue down by the edges to help hold the house together.
Dollhouse Mistakes #7: Putting up Baseboards Before Wallpaper
I’ve seen recommendations from both sides of this issue. The majority of dollhouse pros suggest doing the wallpaper before the baseboards however. This isn’t quite the same as other dollhouse mistakes, but it’s just an easier way of doing things. Putting up wallpaper first allows you to hide the edges of the paper underneath the baseboards and the crown molding. You don’t need to be nearly as precise with cutting the wallpaper to fit the room shape exactly.
Many miniaturists also suggest creating a wall template first. That then makes it easy to cut your paper to the right size. Some use cardstock, illustration board, newspaper, post-it notes (for strange shaped rooms like attics), or whatever else is on hand. Many miniaturists glue the paper to thin board and let it dry flat under wax paper and something heavy before putting it in the house. They will then either glue the board to the walls. Or sometimes, they will leave it loose so they can change out the wall paper more often. This lets them redecorate as the mood strikes.
If you’ve already put in your baseboards and crown molding but not the wallpaper yet, you can try popping off the trim, but be careful not to break it! A thin metal paint scraper is a very helpful tool when you need to apply even pressure to remove something. If you aren’t able to get the trim back off, you’ll just have to put the paper up and try to conceal the edges in another fashion. One idea is to add another smaller piece of trim to your moldings that will go on top of your paper edge. (Many fancy houses have moldings up to or even surpassing 8 inches! This is over half an inch in 1:12 scale)
Another approach you can try is to color in the space between the wallpaper and the trim with a pen, marker, or paint of a matching color. Our eyes are drawn to contrast, so as long as you get rid of any white or wood color showing through between the trim and the wallpaper, you’ll be fine. I’ve done this trick before on other projects, and it’s surprising how well it works.
Dollhouse Mistakes #8: Feeling Forced to Stick to a Style
Are you modeling a colonial house because you want to, or because that’s the style of the home that you have and you think it ‘ought’ to be that way? The wonderful thing about houses (in real life) is they last a LONG time. A home original built as a colonial has seen many different owners and many different styles though the decades. You can furnish your dollhouse to fit your taste. If at some point in your home’s history, it has to be rezoned as a small local neighborhood bakery, there is no reason not to do that, if you want your dolls to be bakers. Think about what you want, and model that. Some of the best minis are the ones that took something and made it into something entirely unexpected.
If you think you’ve already fallen too far down the rabbit hole, don’t worry, you haven’t. You can ALWAYS redecorate or ‘renovate’ your home to be more in line with what you enjoy. I personally make no bones about disliking Victorian styling, but almost all of the actual dollhouses that appeal to me are Victorian homes. Does that mean that I suck it up and decorate with Victorian furniture? Heck no! I remove as much of the gingerbread trim as the house can structurally stand to lose, and I fill it with contemporary furniture. My houses end up looking like they are lived in and have a back story rather than being display-only historical museum recreations.
You can also go the opposite direction. Your modern dolls are allowed to have their great-grandmother’s dressing table in their house. That also gives your house a life and a story. Bottom line, do what you like. You can always concoct a reasonable explanation for any of the stranger decisions later.
Dollhouse Mistakes #9: Feeling Forced to Follow the Instructions Exactly
This one is similar to a few of the above dollhouse mistakes, but it pertains more to construction rather than decorating. When creating something from a kit (like the house or a piece of furniture) you don’t have to follow the instructions to the letter. There are no dollhouse police that will bash in your door and make sure you are gluing all the pieces in the correct order. Changing things up is called kit-bashing. You can leave things out, add new things in, or change the positioning of elements. The only thing that you ought to do is first read and understand all the instructions prior to making any departures. You don’t want to end up shooting yourself in the foot because you changed a step which turns out to be necessary to do something in a following step that you did want to do.
If you’ve been following the instructions all along and are done with your piece now, there are far fewer opportunities left to you for kit-bashing it now, but if you haven’t finished the project yet, there is still time to make changes. You can kit-bash a house to add bay windows or roof dormers. Another idea is you can add smaller houses onto larger houses to make one giant house.
You can make stylistic changes in a piece of furniture you are putting together like I did with this little end table. I opted not to include the inlays on the feet. To do that, I needed to get more back legs from another kit because they came with the inlay groove already cut into them. Also, I didn’t add the curved drawer front and I made my own little drawer pull from a nail head that I later painted. I have a piano kit that I’m actually more excited about altering than putting together and I haven’t even opened it yet. I have no idea what I can change on it, just that I want to make it ‘mine’. It’s a ton of fun, so don’t hold back if you have an idea for how something could be better for you.
Dollhouse Mistakes #10: Going it Alone
Think you are the only one who is into this weird little hobby? That just simply isn’t true. Millions of people all around the world who enjoy miniatures, and there are likely a bunch of people near you.
There are plenty of clubs you can join to meet up in real life, and a handful of shows you can go to. If online is more your style, there are a bunch of Facebook Groups you can join and tons of Pinterest boards to follow. a few gorgeous photo-filled magazines to subscribe to, thousands of Etsy shops and listings to favorite and some Etsy Teams to join, and more than a few Yahoo forum groups to belong to.
You can make plenty of new friends to make in this hobby, so don’t think you are the only one and don’t feel alone! Find your niche of the community and start getting to know us! Tell us all about your own dollhouse mistakes and we can all learn and grow from them together.
Continued Reading:
If you liked this informational post, you might like our next most popular post which explains the different dollhouse scales. Read it here:

Dollhouse Mistakes Credits
Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the research for this article. Your insight on your dollhouse mistakes was extremely helpful!
From CAMP: Alice Zinn, Judy R Carol, Pauline Coombes, Lita Bower, Laurie Sisson, Lee Ann Borgiahat, Lynne L., Patricia Paul, Carolyn, Elly, Betsie Treurnicht, Fannye Burkleo, Bob Dahlstrom, Mary Allen, Frances Peterson, Linda, and Barb Jones.
From Facebook’s Hints and Tips for Making Miniatures Group: JoAnne Cutting, Linn Brooks, Rhonda Wetzell, Judi Woodmansee, Angie Shorthouse, Madaleine Baker, Mags Smith, Sandra Harding, Sammie Bushell, Tanya Waughman, Kay Webb, Zaida Page, Jacqueline Marquart Hainge, Georgina Connon O’Brien, Linda Anne Haggerty, Joy Haddow-Allen, Kay Webb, Rose Haynes, Emma Rule, Joy Haddow-Allen, Lyn Hackshaw, and Valerie Dawn Harwood.
If you liked any of the tools or supplies I was using and think they might be helpful in your own miniatures adventure, I have Amazon Affiliate links to them for you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Should you choose to purchase any of these, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products, tools, services and learning resources I’ve personally used and believe are genuinely helpful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to purchase them. Most of all, I would never advocate for buying something that you can’t afford, don’t feel comfortable with, or that you’re not yet ready to use.
nice post, i thought you were talking about me hahaha
I’ ve NEVER hidden things under my bed until I became addicted 🙊 I promise! 🖐🏼😅 Thank
you for the post. Love from Spain 💃
What a great article I did a lot of miniatures before a dol house (or I shud say my husband Milton did I now do mostly 1/4 and 1/144 scale and it’s so much more fun because you actually finish something ugh quilter It took us 3 years to finish our harbour side mansion by God toys
Really good article with solid advice, especially the warning that you will build more than one dollhouse. I am on my 4th with the 5th one under the bed waiting and am gradually taking over the family room with my houses.
I just finished the exterior of the house you featured in the newbie dollhouse mistakes picture. I had to laugh when I saw it!
Thank you for the help. My wife and I have been wanting to get a wooden doll house for our daughters, but have not been able to determine what to look for. I like your tip to start with a smaller one. My daughters are still a little young, so I think it would be much more manageable for them to play with and take care of.
I had fun flipping the floor upside down. The hardest part was remembering, that you are working backward. I also put on wallpaper and or paint the walls, before putting the house together. A little hint, I leave about half an inch of wallpaper and gold it to the other wall. It make a smooth looking wall. I also put baseboard on walls that have an odd angles. Hope that will helps someone. Good luck and have fun!,
I’d like to enter my finished doll house in a contest. Do I attach everything inside and out so nothing will move when I transfer it? I put grass surrounding the house and wasn’t sure if the house should be glued to the board or not. Please advice!
I’m about to enter my first dollhouse contest as well! I’ve decided to secure as many of the small decorations as I can, but I don’t want to glue my furniture to my carpet, so those piece will have to be loose. I’d suggest asking the contest directors, they might be able to let you know how much jostling a house is expected to take.
Thanks so much for the suggestion! I did call and talk to the supervisor; she was very friendly, helpful, and answered my questions. Best wishes on your entry!
Thank You for the good advice! I was planning to start this weekend with my first house. After reading you article , I will start with a wooden box, and save the house for later. Do you have more advices for me???
Hi! Not sure if you will get this as it looks like an older post, but can you tell me where I can get the Beautiful white dollhouse you have under #5? Great article! Thank you!
I found it here, but it’s a kit: http://www.greenleafdollhouses.com/dollhouse-kits/garfield-dollhouse-kit.html
Wallpaper in our doll house on the first floor turned grayish in some spots. Ideas why and what do we need to do to fix it. Scared to just wall paper over it. Just on the first floor is it doing this.
If you are like me while working on your dollhouse, I tend to eat and drink coffee( one of these days I am going to dip a paint brush into my coffee) you might have had some form of grease on your hands, touched a wall then tried t paper over the grease, it will always leave a mark, the best you can do is to remove the wallpaper wash the walls with T.S.P just as you would in a full scale house. Once the walls have thoroughly dried paint the wall with a white wash, when this is dry you can wallpaper again.
Is it perhaps spots on the wood??My husband is a painter and suggested that I prime & sand all wood b4 doing any wallpaper..Just a thought,so if you end up removing wall paper,try a stain-blocking paint on the wood or can paint over wall paper.KILZ is a great brand.Grease,ink,marker,etc….it stops it all from “bleeding through.” HOPE THIS HELPS
These are great tips and I wish I had known them before I tried to,put my first huge dollhouse kit together with Elmer’s! That was 37 years ago . I still make minis and love room boxes and smaller scales.
About the hot glue:
Using hot glue on your dollhouse CAN work…IF you have the right stuff. You need a high temperature glue gun (aka “hi-temp” or “hot melt”). The low temp glue guns intended for younger crafters will NOT work and are probably the real culprits in the situations you described. In fact, since low-temp hot glue is a more recent invention, that may tie into your assertion that older hot glue worked better. I started assembling my dollhouse with wood glue (which dripped all over the place and was hard to get out of the bottle, I might add) but then heard from someone who runs a woodshop that using hi-temp hot glue would work–the glue, while melted, seeps into the wood in every tiny crevice and forms a very secure bond. I had to separate a couple wood pieces that had been hot glued (the smaller piece had broken and I was replacing it)…needed a chisel! In short, just make sure both your glue gun and the glue you put into it are marked “hi-temp”.
Great tips. I am doing all the “don’ts” because I didn’t see the article first. I want to add more windows b4 I electrify and wallpaper. Is there a good tool or a dremel I should get to cut the wood?
I have been a miniaturist decades. It takes a lot of patience, and forethought to delve into this type of hobby. One thing I really appreciate you stating is, you don’t have to stick to a style. My biggest dollhouse has a playroom, Victorian, modern, 18th century, all different rooms. Its due to, we can. Sticking to a theme is great, and I have a house that is just that. But to explore and mix items is a treat too. GREAT tips!
Enjoyed your article. Working on my own dollhouse and did violate the first time large house policy. But am at the stage where I would like to both install electricity and wallpaper each room. My question is which do I do first in the process? Thanks for any info..
Rather than installing electricity, I recommend using individual LED lamps and light fixtures. They are available in miniatures catalogs.
I enjoyed this article very much. I would like to share some insight as someone who picked on this hobby after seeing Queen Anne’s dollshouse in Windsor Castle, England, about 15 years ago. Dolls houses as a hobby come from Queen Victoria’s time. It was a very special thing and it is related to keep track of customes and periods throughout history in England. The very first time I thouhgt about having one, I thought I would like to build it myself. I think it was fate, because few days later I walked into a charity shop in Nuneaton and found a Victorian crafts book for only 1.49 pounds and the first page was dedicated to the dolls house, plans, rooms and how to handcraft some pieces of furniture and bric a brac. Later, I found a book called The decorated dolls house, with a lot of projects to decorate every single room, from a Scottish Baronnial room to an Etruscan bathroom. The main thing about these houses was to preserve the period and they have wonderful ways to teach you how to craft your own stuff. Of course, not everyone is skilled to do that,but at least some things can be done and that adds value to your hobby. The room idea is great, and it is true that you may get it wrong, but at the end of the day, it is a hobby to learn by essay and error, so there is not such thing as right or wrong, except for mayor things like the hot glue part. I dont think everyone can afford to have a room only to display so many houses, but I am sure that some people would like to make it either for their own children or some girl in the family. Fabulous article. I also recomend taking a look at the dolls house emporium site, for those who like getting quality items, and if you are crafty enough you can also make the furniture yourself. That is something remarkable as well.
Wallpaper before baseboards – reflecting real-life. My first task when redecorating is to pop the baseboards, they are only held on with some form of builder’s glue (pink grip, sticks like *** or similar), unlike the originals which were held on with dozens of iron nails. So, baseboards off, prep, paint or paper then carpets or laminate THEN, finally, baseboards, leaves a lovely neat edge top and bottom.
Great article. I am almost done my first dollhouse, the Harrison. I have been working on it for three years. I have found so much advice online from many forums. I started gluing the baseboard on in certain rooms. I then realized I probably won’t be able to use the channel grooved moulding at the back edges of dollhouse. I will probably have to glue 1/8″ strip wood instead.
This is one of the most helpful things I’ve read as someone just getting started! I am an over-researcher as well and tend to give up on projects before I even start because I’m so overwhelmed by how many possibilities there are! This was super helpful to get me out of that headspace and just focusing on one small thing and experimentation. Thank you!!
I’m very glad you found it helpful! I also fall victim to over researching. Sometimes you just gotta dive in an give something a try!
O my Gosh lol, people I need help :))))))) I got huge empty doll house-exactly Colonial house, there is no furniture, no wooden floor,no windows the haus is just skeleton:))))) I have no idea where to start, what to do first etc, please help me with it, give me an idea pls, Thank You and bye from Toronto from Mike
First step is to breath. Then take a step back and look at the house as a whole and consider what style house you’d like to model. A Colonial house can be decorated with any style. Once you decide if you like modern, or craftsman, or victorian, or distressed, then you’ll know what sorts of flooring and wallpaper and furniture to pick out. Then start doing stuff either room by room, or all flooring at the same time, then all the wallpaper, etc. You got this!
By the way, we sell lots of great printable flooring patterns in our shop. They are very inexpensive so you can buy a few options and try them all out, then print off as many pages as you need. Best of luck!
Pingback:What Is the Best Glue for Dollhouses? Make It Stick!
I really enjoyed your “dollhouse mistake list”. My husband and I decided to have a hobby that we could enjoy together and work on together during COVID. Building a dollhouse was the hobby we chose. He likes building things and I like decorating (my background is interior decorating). We built the first house (farmhouse style) and once we finished, decided to build another (modern California style). To my amazement, my Husband decided he wanted to build another bigger dollhouse (Vctorian style). We will be donating the first house to a children’s hospital in our city and the third house to a retirement home. We are keeping the modern/retro one for display) All your suggestions and ideas were great on avoiding mistakes. We did encounter some of them, but were able to fix them than goodness. I have to say, I have more fun papering and decorating than building and painting. I live in Toronto, Canada and there are very few places to buy dollhouse furniture, so I buy on line. It’s amazing how many people around the world enjoy this hobby.
This exactly what I needed to hear. I accidentally hit “buy it now” on Ebay and got the RGT Queen Anne. My ex-husband built the shell, did the shingles and first coat of paint. Eight years later with a good lawyer and a fair judge, I have it back. My mother asked when I think I’ll finish it. I said “hopefully never”. It’s a childhood dream and a victory all in one. I am so proud of myself. I tape-wired and electrified it. That was something that he thought only a man could do. I feel so accomplished every time I turn on the lights!
Excellent article! Thank you very much for your insights! I found a house curb-side, being trashed, and took it home. I’ve taken my time admiring it in the state I found it, and thinking up what I’d like to do. Aside from personal health issues, I’ve taken my time and not rushed into “doing something” to it. I’ll be honest, NOT DOING has been the hardest thing to do. I’ve recently found the inspiration I was looking for, and all the ideas are falling into place – only I found another house that was put out on the curb, so now I have two! This second one is smaller, I have yet to identify what house it is, but I’m thinking I’ll start with this small one, and work up my experience to the bigger one, which is a Beacon Hill.
I really enjoyed your post. One mistake I think should be added is to check with what you already have before buying something you love. When I finally got my dollhouse and unloaded all the things bought over the years, I had 3 desks, several bookcases (I love books and wanted a library in my house), 3 antique iceboxes and 2 rolltop desks, to the delight of my younger cousin (she’s 65–I’m 71). I let her pick what she wanted and she got the whole box for her own house.
As for needing a house or room box, consider a real bookcase. Got the bookcase out of the basement (there when we moved in (1955) and gave away or boxed the books and it’s now my 5 level dollhouse. Works great if you have cats as they want to move in.
I loved your article. I bought a very very old smelly dollhouse that someone built ( I’m guessing) with no instructions. It is sturdy. Everything was nailed together. I deconstructed parts of it. I have mitre cut window frames out of wood and am wondering what I should use to attach them to the house. I will also be putting them inside the house. The windows are not square angles but I’ll fit the molding on as best I can. Also I bought asphalt shingles and am wondering what kind of glue to use for them. Thank you!!
This was a great article. My mother gave me a build-it-yourself dollhouse in the 80’s. I loved it and began to paint the pieces before putting it together. At the time I had 3 small children and had no place to craft the house. I ended up w/lost pieces and finally gave the house away when I divorced. This year I found the rooms to craft and have done 6-7 of them. They are fabulous, but I would caution anyone building houses, to have a place to put them while building that won’t be disturbed. I realized that the reason I didn’t build the first one is that I had children and no place to build it. Now I have a craft space and no small children at home. It is wonderful now to be able to just spend an entire weekend just building and finishing a house. I have also discovered individual LED lights, so no more wiring houses.
One question I have is what is the best type of glue. I find that wood glue works for some things, white glue works for others and that a nice sticky clear glue is great for things you don’t want to hold forever to get it to stay. But the clear glue doesn’t always hold things together for a long period of time. Also what glue works best on metal? I had one house that had a metal chair and it was a beast to make. I finally used hot glue to hold it. Not a perfect option, but the only one I found to work the best.
Thanks again for your great tips.
Pingback:What Is the Best Glue for Dollhouses? Make It Stick!