Welcome to my dollhouse Halloween porch! There really aren’t too many holidays between the 4th of July and Halloween. The calendar is mostly filled with Back-to-School activities.
Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I decided to depict a not-so-scary Trick-or-Treating scene.

Unfortunately, I never really got around to finishing up my Goodwill Dollhouse. I took a bit of time here to finish the paint touch-ups and paint the door, window shutters, and flower boxes. While I could have painted them black to be spookier, I painted them with their ‘final’ color. This little house is not intended to be a Halloween house normally.

I made the Happy Halloween banner, and the orange porch swing pillow. Hey, there’s that squirrel again!

I did quite a lot of photoshop foolery with this dollhouse Halloween image. It looks mostly alright, but there are a few places were it sticks out to me. Can you see what I’ve done digitally? Leave a comment below!
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