Happy Mother’s Day! For my next dollhouse Mother’s day scene, I decided to depict a sewing craft room. This scene is inspired from my own mother’s sewing room. In her room she similarly has a love seat and a cedar chest. Her sewing machine also stands on a folding table.

I made quite a number of the things in this room, for instance, the cat calendar, the Happy Mother’s Day garland, and the large cork board. I also made everything on the corkboard, the pillows, the happy sunshine yellow dresser, the laundry and fabric rolls, and also those tiny beaded lizards! Though I made them years and years ago, I thought they’d be perfect for the room.
I started off making my dollhouse Mother’s Day scene by pulling together all the things I wanted to include in the room. Then found a good carpet and rug for the floor. After that, I figured out the right ‘wallpaper’, aka scrapbooking paper. You can see here that I use blue painters tape in loops to stick my paper to a wooden shelf.

My first thought was to do an accent wall on the left, and use pink walls for the front and right.

That made the left seem too busy, so I moved my accent wall to the front.

It looks better like this, but something still isn’t right. Maybe that argyle pattern is too much?

Cute, but still wrong. Maybe it’s not the accent wall, maybe it’s the pink walls that are wrong?

Yes!! Apparently, that was the problem. The accent wall was too dissimilar from the main walls. By switching the pink to purple, however, it ties in better.

Grey cat approves!

Did you miss last month? I created a little girl’s Easter bedroom.
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